Prof. Dr. Gustavo Doubek

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Professor Gustavo Doubek holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Campinas - UNICAMP and a PhD in Nuclear Technology - Materials from the Institute of Nuclear and Energy Research - IPEN/USP, having worked as a visiting researcher at YALE University - USA and as a product developer at 3M in the R&D&I area. He is currently an Associated Professor at the University of Campinas and researcher at the Center for Innovation in New Energies - CINE in the Advanced Energy Storage division. He has experience in the design and synthesis of nanomaterials applied to energy conversion and storage devices and product innovation processes. He works mainly on the following topics: Development of batteries and Fuel Cells for energy storage and conversion, Biofuel reformers and synthesis of catalysts and functional materials with several projects both with public and private funding.

August 29, 2024Battery Cell Manufacturing in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities

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